Monday 28 February 2022

Hällebäck 27/2 2022 Sunny side up

 Hi and ho!

This weekend's weather was absolutely fantastic, with shining sun and relatively warm temperatures for the season. And naturally, there was diving to be had as well. Though this time i went with some people i haven't dived with in a while. We once again decided on Hällebäck, as we wanted to have a bigger chance of Norway king crabs.

Aequorea vitrina, a pelagic hydrozoan species. This one had a lot of gunk on it

Dive 1:

Depth: 32 m, Time: 45 min, Temp: 6 C

We descended into the water column, keeping relatively close, as the visibility this week was terrible in the surface waters and down to about 6 m. After 6 m depth, the visibility cleared up quite well, though there was much larger particles in the water, gelatinous gunk, which is common this time of the year.

Either way, we followed the slope down until we found the wall, where we instead started to follow it to the left instead, making our way down into the depth. On the wall, there were a few Norway king crabs hanging about as well as other critters. At about 20 minutes, we turned around and started to swim back. At about 6 m, one of my buddies were to shoot their DSMB, which we had planned on the surface. It was at this point we sort of lost contact with our other buddy due to the super bad visibility (or at least i did). When we surfaced, i found them again, so probably, they could see us, but i couldn't see them.

Norway king crab clambering on the walls of Hällebäck
Dive 2:

Depth: 28 m, Time: 47 min, Temp: 6 C

After a nice surface interval, we once again headed out into the water. Not much to say really on this dive, as this was sort of a routine dive, we planned it to be a bit more shallow compared to the previous one.

Honestly, it was a bit of a chaotic dive as i think i stayed deep a bit longer than i usually would, So i got very close to my NDL limits, so had to make my way up a bit quicker, and also forgetting to completely signal to my buddies (they followed still, but were a bit wondering) So i really need to get much better at that, guess I've gotten a bit too lax with signaling. Very well, it all ended well anyways, no "surprise decompression stops"

All in all, despite the somewhat chaotic second dive, it was a super nice dive day. 

So until next time! Keep on swimming!

Redback seaslug crawling along

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